They way I think of things is a little different than most people!
I seem to be in a wonder land of "What If's" always thinking, my mind if always working day and night.
I thought of this earlier today:
"How come my life is so hard, I it is like everyone has an easier life than me."
GOD gave Strong people hard lives, he knew that if he gave weak people easy lives they would not get depressed, and lonely. He gave the hard lives to strong people, cause he know that we can cope with the pain, he knows that we are strong, and he don't have to worry about us.
Sometimes, I have these's "What If's" like what if my life ended today, or tomorrow... I wonder how I would and will die..... I just never know. I asked GOD for help at one point in my life, GOD did help me but I don't know how he did it. He just magically did it.
I remember when I was little and I was innocent as can be, I had the life, I had my mommy and my daddy. It's all a blur these days, I asked GOD yesterday if my life could be the same as it was when I was little, I asked him why did it all have to change. He told me that everyone has to change, good and bad people. I told him, that "I get that, but my life now is not good at all, I love with my grand mommy my dad is in prison, my mom and little sister and brother live in Michigan with her low life boyfriend."
I asked GOD if he would please watch over my little brother and sister, to make sure they are safe and that nothing happens to them.
I often think I made a mistake, for not moving back to Michigan to make sure Hannah and Chase are safe and are living in great conditions, and have an education. I feel that they need me still, to at least have a provider, someone stable in there life, to show them new things that they can do in life. Should I ask GOD if I made the right decision.
GOD am I a good person? GOD do I need to change?
Sorry for the long thing at the bottom! Where there are no words!